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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Another year end, another year of gratitude and high hopes for 2013!

This past year brought a lot of surprises and changes to my life.  I celebrated my golden birthday on Sept. 27... so I turned 27 on the 27th (that's a golden birthday if you didn't know it.)  I moved not once but twice, I became a cat owner (two cats to be precise), I shot a record number of weddings and portrait sessions, I upgraded my camera to my dream camera (FX baby!) and I got involved with a great dog rescue.  It has been a great year... a phenomenal year.  I can say whole heartedly that I am extremely blessed and I am so lucky to have a loving family and amazing friends.  I would not be where I am today without their continued support and love. This is my thank you to helping me be where I am today.  While I gush, I do want to say the biggest thank you to my love, Brett, who has been my rock through out the low points of the year and also my biggest fan.  I am truly lucky.

One of the biggest reasons I love photography is the ability to hold onto the past.  As the year comes to a close and I browse through my MANY jpegs that fill my harddrive, I think about how far I have come in just the past couple of years taking my hobby beyond a hobby.  It's much, much more than a hobby.  It's my deep rooted passion and happy place.   There has never been a time (at least not yet) where I have taken out my camera and been unhappy.  Holding that camera opens up inside of me and breaks down those personal walls that I sometimes put up.  It is a creative escape.  There are people who go their whole lives and don't feel that thing that pulls at them.  I am fortunate to know what pulls at my heat strings and with that ability I in turn create lasting memories for others.  So it all comes full circle.  Do what you love, give back to others and be happy.  If only life could always be so simple but I digress. :)

On a less deep note, I have been meaning to blog about the big life change of this past year.  Brett recently bought a house so we moved ourselves, 2 curious kittens and our furry love Kona from a 900 square foot apartment in the heart of Midtown to a beautiful ranch home in the suburbs of Atlanta in north Decatur.  I cannot express how AWESOME it is to finally have a yard! For four long years, I had to wrap myself in jackets, slip on the shoes or grab the umbrella to take Kona out to potty.  Now, all i have to do is push open the back door and off she goes.  This is especially great now that it's been freezing in Atlanta.   We've even experimented letting out the kittens.  They have done well and seem to enjoy it although our male gave me a scare the other night.

We let out the kittens midday and around 5 p.m., it began to get dark and we could only find one of them, Pam.  Sonny, our orange and white male, was no where to be found.  We searched high and low but we couldn't find him.  Brett assured me that he would be fine but I was still worried.  I was mainly concerned because we have two large owls that live in the woods in the neighborhood   These owls are big and can pick up small animals.  So yes, I was worried and was sure the worst had happened.

Later that night (8 hours after we let out Sonny) Brett finds him in the neighbor's yard.  Little mother f'er went exploring but I guess the cold and hunger got to him.  I was so happy but now, I am hesitant to let him out until he gets bigger at least.  

So, now the family is complete again and we're grateful for the new space.  I'm grateful that we had a cute red door to hang a wreath and a roof to hang our icicle lights.  It's good to finally be out of a boring apartment and have a place that feels like home.

Now, for some cuteness....

Pam -named after Pam from True Blood- we're big fans.  The name works because she is a beautiful, crazy female with fangs. 

Unlike her sweet brother, this one acts like a dog and normally comes when she is called.  She'd rather nap than explore the new backyard.

Sonny, aka "Son-Son."

I'm sure these sweet moves would deter any owls... yah right.

Kona's signature move...She looks like a circus bear.

I'm sure she's pissed she didn't get a treat for this move. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Baby Bump | Brittany & Evan

Let me just start by saying, what a good looking couple!  Baby Emma is going to be such a pretty girl and I can't wait to meet her in the upcoming months!  

I go way back with this couple, back in the days of late nights and bartending at the busiest bars in Athens.  We have also come a long way and I'm glad to call them my friends!  I am also grateful that I get the opportunity to create these memories for these first time parents. :) 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Stinnett Family {Atlantic Station}

I had the privilege of taking some family photos for the Stinnett family this past weekend.  These folks came all the way down from Dalton for the day to catch the latest Cirque du Soleil show now at Atlantic Station.  And why just catch a show, let's take some photos too!

They picked a great time of year- we couldn't have asked for a prettier backdrop!  This family is adorable and I am so glad I was able to be a part of there yearly tradition coming into town to see a show. And oh yes- please start your shoe envy now- they all have great style!! 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Family Session {Fusco Family}

I love family sessions.  Especially when the session includes two adorable brothers and a beautiful mother that looks like Jennifer Anniston.  It's hard not to take a good picture when you're working with these factors.  No really, look at them- priceless!

I also appreciate and feel honored to be the one creating these memories for my clients.  I look back on these sessions and think about when these brothers are in high school and they are looking for pictures to put in their senior ads, and these are the ones they will pick.  They will look upon the pictures and reminisce on their memories of going to the pond with their parents to feed the ducks.  It is truly an honor to be able to give this to my clients.

Ok before I get all teary eyed, here you go. Enjoy!!