Like the snap of your fingers, you command "idea- come to me!" and your command is met with silence. If only creativity came like a loyal pooch when we called for it but alas, creativity is more like a 12 year old cat that stares at you from a distance and flicks his tail in spite of your demands. {Side note: If you haven't seen this Youtube video about cats vs dogs, watch it now!}
Luckily, there is some science as to when creativity strikes us so we can stop feeling like crazy people and know how to cultivate creativity. You can see more here on this research.
Our brains are always full of ideas from our memories and experiences. The challenge is finding dead space in our LOUD brains to listen and let those ideas come together. I don't know about y'all, but I am scolded on a regular basis about being on my phone too much and being tied to the hip with my Iphone- the information mecca. It's a learned habit and I honestly wish I was more disconnected with constant contact. So alas, it's time for Iphone/technology detox.. ok, not really, but maybe eventually/soon...
Ok, so back to our topic, how to channel this creativity that lives inside of all of us. Here are is a list of my suggestion from my own experience (in no particular order):
1. Use SIRI!- So when I am in my car in traffic and because I can't text as well as I used to, I tell her to remember things for me. This could be simple to-do's, blog concepts or business ideas. This way I take advantage of that commute to my job each day and have ideas to come back to later when I have time.
2. Go out and do stuff! - Go to a concert, try that new restaurant, go to a museum visit a distant friend, go on vacation, listen to a new podcast, surf Netflix for new movies, learn a new hobby- a n y t h i n g !
How can you come up with new ideas and inspiration when you're stuck in life's doldrums? Get out there and do/see things that you like. This inspiration will pay 10 fold later plus, you will be happier experiencing these new things.
3. Write it down, with a pen!- In our digital age, people seem to rely more and more on typing, texting and dictating. But for me, sometimes if I start to write down my ideas, I often run off into new directions and by the end I don't know where I started but I have some good material! Writing is like talking to a friend who has know you for years, they let you say what you want and they end up showing you exactly what you need to see. I have many journals that date back to high school that I have saved and look back on from time to time. There is much to learn from your past when you can look back at those thoughts and feelings.
4. Go out on a limb!- Let me preface this with saying that I am not your typical balls to the wall do-er. I am outgoing but I am also introverted, closed off, thoughtful and sensitive. I cover this up by a loud laugh and colorful clothes but it's true, it takes some pushing of my comfort levels for me to push my limits of my life. Being introspective, I know that the best medicine for my creative passion is to push those limits of comfort. Didn't someone say somewhere that if what you're doing feels uncomfortable, then you're doing it right? Regardless, push push push and I'm saying that to myself also.
To filter my creative energy into something productive, I had to do something.
So, here we are with some colorful, geometrical and calm inspiration boards. I was challenged by a fellow photographer/rockstar, Jasmine Star, to find out what inspires me. Instead of defaulting to Pinterest (Ohhhh how I love thee) I was forced (arm twisted behind my back) to make my own photos. So my challenge was two fold- go out in the crazy world to find inspiration and take photos.
So where did I go? Target! I swear, this place gets me EVERY TIME! Anyone else out there feel the same way? You go in for body wash and you come out with $80 of awesomeness? So, back to my point, I lugged my big ole' camera to Target and wandered around to look for inspiration. I did find some wonderful things and darn it if I wasn't tempted to purchase every item I took a picture of! Some of the below photos were also taken at home and were my own things. I think these two boards do a good job of describing my personal aesthetic- 1. pop of color 2. neutral, calming hues 3. interesting geometric designs and 4. contrast.
Phew... Long winded blog today but I hope it helps you in any areas where you feel like you need some pushing. There is a reason I surround myself with wild, fearless friends because I know they will get me out of that comfort zone and the end result is always a positive one.
What will you do this year to increase your creativity and find what inspires you?