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Monday, February 28, 2011

Hello Outside

The weather in Georgia has been very warm lately for February so every Atlantian has been looking for things to do outside.  I have never been one for day long ventures, it just never really fit into my life before now.  I have always loved the outdoors and spent much of my childhood playing in woods so getting back to nature was a total welcomed activity.  I can't explain how nice it has been to really escape the city grind and get back to nature.  So me and the bf planned out a couple, not to far, day trips with the doggies.  We went to the East Pallisades just inside the perimeter and Sweetwater Creek the following weekend.
My favorite part of the trip was the dogs.  When they get outside, it's like "call of the wild" or something.  They run for their lives and have SO much fun.  It is such a joy to watch.  I couldn't imagine a better weekend... Here are some pictures to summarize my awesome trips...