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Thursday, January 19, 2012

This is an extension tube....

My lovely photog mentor, Aharon Hill, gave me an awesome and SUPER THOUGHTFUL Christmas present.  I do not yet have a 105mm Nikon macro lens so it is difficult to take those up close ring shots with my 50mm 1.4/f or my lovely 24-70mm 2.8/f.  With these handy little extension tubes, you can make any lens a marco lens.  No, these images are not perfect or identical to a 105 macro lens but they do a pretty good job.
A friend of mine recently got engaged and her ring was B-E-A-utiful so I took the opportunity take some practice shoots.  Here is what I got. Thank you AHARON for your constant support and guidance in my photo journey!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Shooting Wide Open + Puppy Love

My favorite lens is my 50mm 1.4/f although I hardly ever shoot completely wide open.  Over the weekend while relaxing, I decided to pull out the camera in some extreme low light situations to practice.  I shoot Nikon which does a pretty great job in low light.  In the following shots, I had my ISO around 2,000 and my aperture at 1.4.

Not surprisingly, my subject was my pup Kona and her best friend Finn.  He is a pretty handsome guy.  I say they make a stunning couple.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Books and Cupcakes = Happy Weekends

I have been reading the series "Game of Thrones" since the series came out on HBO last spring.  These books are amazing and keep you guessing at each turn but the books are RIDICULOUSLY long.  Each book is around 800 pages.

I reached about the half way point of book four when I took a break and started reading the Hunger Games.  My boyfriend gave this to me as a Christmas gift which he later regretted since I won't put it down for anything.  It's an easy and quick read so I finished it in a few days.

This weekend I tackled "Catching Fire" which is book number two.  The last page is definitely a cliff hanger.  Luckily I have book three waiting on deck.  In summary- if you want a quick, engaging, non-stop read... Go get it!

On a tastier note, I decided to bake some cupcakes for my ladies night tomorrow. I grew up baking sweets so it was nice to have a quiet Sunday to just bake, listen to a Airborne Toxic Event on Slacker.com and lick the mixer (when I was done.)

My day in images...

Friday, January 6, 2012

Anyone have $6,000 to give me?

... I want.... Now if only I had $6000 laying around to buy it when it comes out in Febuary.

I can dream...


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Not Committing to a New Year's Resolution- Because it doesn't work

It sounds good and it feels good when you say, "This year, I am going to *Blank*."  But let's be honest, making these new year's resolutions sets us up to fail, at some point.  Some people fail at week two and others fail around February  Granted we all make these commitments with good intentions but unless you make the commitment while in action, it's not going to happen.  This is coming from experience of course because for years I have tried to "start out fresh" and make these lifestyle commitments.  Normally I make them while I'm drinking some sugary cocktail and eating so high calorie food.... "Tomorrow!" I shout in my mind-only to realize four days later I haven't done anything except take my dog to the dog park and watched her run.  Well at least Kona is a doing a good job of sticking to her diet and getting her work outs in.

So instead of a resolution this year, I am making a goal to live a healthier life by taking action.  Action means moving, running, getting out of bed and not hitting the snooze button, running to the dog park instead of driving, cutting fruit the night before, prepping meals and left overs for lunch.  Granted, I do DO these things but I want to do them more and get myself on more consistent healthy and happy routine.

And, to cheers this goal, here is my yummy snack thanks for the wonderful Dekalb Farmer's Market... Oh, how I love thee.